

In 2024-2025, the volunteer team expanded to 165 members, including people over 14 years old. Since 2024, the volunteer team has been organizing informal clubs to discuss topics of interest to them and actively participating in events organized by the Tourism and Urbanism Foundation (TUF).

In 2024, the volunteer team participated in the following events

June 1: International Children’s Day -  36 volunteers

Vardavar Festival – 45 volunteers

Marathon – 35 volunteers

Sports Ground Opening - 40 volunteers

Autumn Tree Planting – 30 volunteers

Winter Wonderland – 46 volunteers

The volunteer team actively contributed to the “Gyumri-Wings” program, assisting in the organization of events, sports classes, and excursions.
Additionally, the team regularly organizes recreational games and intellectual clubs.

Become a Volunteer

That is why we believe the project would not be integrated with the community needs and expectations if it weren’t a friendly team of over 50 volunteers who helped us build the project from its concept. Our goal for the restoration of Friendship Park is to create a space that brings people together, a place where families can spend time together, and where children can play and explore. With the help of our volunteers, we are confident that we can achieve this goal.

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